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Edward Sullivan Well, leading Whatsapp Mobile Number List with heart is when you’re being open and curious, and I guess it’s leading with fear leading with ego is how a lot of people go about it, unfortunately. John Jantsch. Yeah. And in your research, of course, I’m, I’m Whatsapp Mobile Number List guessing that unfortunately that’s how a lot of people were taught or that’s how a lot of people have Whatsapp Mobile Number List been led. Isn’t it? Edward Sullivan Well, you know, I think a lot of people when they don’t know better, yeah. They go back to maybe what they saw when they were coming up.

And I think a lot of leaders today came up Whatsapp Mobile Number List in the eighties and nineties and a lot of high pressure environments. And they were led by people who led by fear, who led with ego and they’ve learned to do the same. So our research indicated that the leaders who actually get the best results out of their employees lead with heart. And we explored that in the book, John Jantsch. You Whatsapp Mobile Number List know, a lot of entrepreneurs maybe didn’t go through any kind of formal leadership program or were mentored.

I mean, they just started a business and like, poof, now you have to lead people, right? I mean, what does it, what does it take for that person to start saying, oh, I’m a leader now, what do I do? Yeah, Edward Sullivan (02:45): You’re right. A lot Whatsapp Mobile Number List of our, our clients come to us because they’re really good developers. They’re good engineers, right? They’re good product designers. And they built something. People liked it. And now suddenly the Whatsapp Mobile Number List have to build a company around it and they never took that class at school.